If you download one of my tutorials and it's in html format, there's a folder within the zip file that contains all the pictures you need. However, there is one little, uh BIG, requirement: You have to place the folder of pictures in the same location that you put the html file. For example, if you put the html file on your desktop, you MUST put the folder containing the pictures on your desktop. Then, open up the html file (double-click it) and the pictures will be there. The instructions are always listed in the deviation description, but nobody likes to read those.
wow there's something else beside the deviation on those pages? I've not noticed that

wow who'd thunk it there's words too as well as pictures on them DA pages
[said cheekily in a squeaky little voice]
otays gots it. thankies FP
Posted on: March 06, 2010, 06:29:00 PM
i'm still trying to figure this one out. step 9 is sort of confusing me. I'm just using the Filters> Light and Shadow > Drop Shadow. It looks like the thing you used on yours so I'm going with that. step ten is a wee bit of info overload with all the layers.
Ok think I figured it out now. And I put the background on invisible to show the boxes. It doesn't say to do that in the tut, so I figured you forgot to say so.
http://fav.me/d2lg9vxsorry I can't figure out how to get teh actual sig to show from DA site only the link is coming up